Visit Routescene® at Booth 99 at ILMF 22-24 February 2016, Denver USA

Posted on January 26, 2016 in

Interested in understanding what you can really achieve in accuracy with a UAV LiDAR survey? Visit ILMF and talk to Gert Riemersma, CEO of Routescene, who has been working with LiDAR since 2008. A qualified land surveyor, Gert previously worked for many years in the Oil & Gas industry as a hydrographic surveyor. He has used this wealth of practical experience with survey sensors; in particular, GPS/INS, to develop the Routescene UAV LidarPod® into a market-changing survey and mapping solution.

This survey-grade turnkey solution is designed specifically for use on UAVs. Applications are wide ranging from utilities, mining, forestry to highways and engineering as well as traditional survey and mapping.

If you would like to book a meeting with us whilst we are at ILMF please contact Ning Lu at to schedule otherwise visit us on Stand 99 to find out more.